I begin with a Mark Twain quote because the data for localization is confusing to outsiders and it really serves to insulate the industry from scrutiny. For LSPs and MLVs it is a great way to say you pay one cost but we deliver more value than we charge you. […]
Data in WELD I use the term data rather than content since I am referring to not only content, the content lifecycle, content metadata, but also information that is essential for the enterprise operations. This is not always content-like marketing. It could be database tables, noSQL key-values, or any other […]
I break the tools into 2 categories 1. Content lifecycle tools 2. Translation management tools. I briefly touched on translation tooling in the discussion on production. The tools of localization are to speed and improve translations as well as simplify the overall localization process for the vendors, translators, and localization […]
The necessary infrastructure So if localization production is the tip of the iceberg in Whole Enterprise Localization design what is beneath the surface? I’d argue that the next most important element is the back office operations. To scale, and to continually meet the needs of an enterprise, the localization team […]
Localization as we know it The most obvious area of localization and the one that most organizations are familiar with is the production aspect of localization. Traditionally companies accept the costs of localization as a part of doing global business. At first there wasn’t much thought to strategy and ROI […]
Working in a Silo: One of the most difficult challenges of localization is working with a bunch of siloed teams. Many times this happens by accident. A company slowly develops localization needs and solutions across product or engineering teams and soon a company has hundreds of ways of doing localization […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about a field that doesn’t exist. The reason is that I spent 7 years of my life as a practitioner in this non-existent field. I’m calling the field Whole Enterprise Localization Design, but as I better formulate the idea, I may need to change […]
Almost 8 years ago I started this blog with a discussion of copyright law. My goal was to catch the eye of Kindle’s Digital publishing group so I could get hired at Amazon. It didn’t work. I did eventually got hired but it had nothing to do with the […]