This blog category is all the posts I've written about publishing and e-publishing. My time in Kindle made me think deeply about how publishing was changing due to new technologies and what that meant for an industry that sold rights regionally; depended on mechanisms to ship, house, and return physical books; and, paid in advance on anticipated sales and debited actual sales for remuneration and all expenses.
And Now Back to our Show: Copyright revisited
Almost 8 years ago I started this blog with a discussion of copyright law. My goal was to catch […]
Swan Song
This is the swan song for this blog. Every good thing comes to an end, and sadly this blog has […]
The author in bits: Subutai, ebooks, and read/write media culture
A few examples of the coming shift in publishing can be seen swirling around two Ne(i)(a)ls. Neil Gaiman and Neal […]