This blog began as an exploration of ebooks and localization. The more time I spent in the language industry the more I realized the disconnection between the operation of localizing content and the strategy of global expansion. Whole Enterprise Localization Design moved me one step closer to understanding how to connect language operations to business strategy. Adgile took me closer, but I still didn’t see the bigger picture.
So now this blog will be retooled again for what I have been doing for the last five or six years – global product management and building out frameworks for global expansion. Topics will now veer more towards how to rebuild a single country product for new markets. How to shift an organization to global-first design and product development. And how to train an org to adapt to this new paradigm.
Frameworks for an organization serve as scaffolding for them to experiment, grow, and pivot. These are all things that are necessary to adapt a monolingual product to new markets or to use your existing staff to learn about new markets and build for markets where you don’t yet have employees or operations.