There are several questions that arise around privacy and AI. This post will be a high-level overview of the topics that I will further discuss in future posts. What is the difference between data protection and data privacy? What is the relationship between the EU AI Act and GDPR? What […]
MT as a walled garden Don’t get me wrong there is a lot of value in MT. And with advances in NMT there may be a point where certain types of translation reach human quality without humans. But for now human quality requires humans as translators, reviewers, post-editors, or in […]
Text-to-speech(TTS) is one of the experimental features added to the Kindle 2 and it caused a huge controversy. In this post I will discuss the controversy and examine some of the more innovative players in text-to-speech technology. Upon the release of the Kindle 2 the Author’s guild protested to Amazon […]
This was originally written in 2007. Though it does not directly discuss ereaders the relationship is clear. The article is slanted towards Mcgraw-Hill since that was my employer at the time I wrote this. Peripateticware or Mobile Education Peripateticware is a name I’ve coined to identify products designed […]