This is the swan song for this blog. Every good thing comes to an end, and sadly this blog has reached that end. Due to conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest since I took a job at Amazon I can no longer post on this subject. I will […]
[Note: I just published this yesterday and now I have to revise it! Apple has now made their play for a publishing platform. However a significant difference with Apple’s platform is that they have chosen to slant the platform to established published works by requiring a 13 digit ISBN number. […]
Text-to-speech(TTS) is one of the experimental features added to the Kindle 2 and it caused a huge controversy. In this post I will discuss the controversy and examine some of the more innovative players in text-to-speech technology. Upon the release of the Kindle 2 the Author’s guild protested to Amazon […]
The looming problem in ebook copyright may curtail the growth and longevity of this burgeoning industry. The problem seems to be developing in three areas that will only compound over the coming months as different e-readers and ebook retailers enter the market. The three main issues are copyright protection, proprietary […]
This was originally written in 2007. Though it does not directly discuss ereaders the relationship is clear. The article is slanted towards Mcgraw-Hill since that was my employer at the time I wrote this. Peripateticware or Mobile Education Peripateticware is a name I’ve coined to identify products designed […]
The biggest dilemma facing content editors and their consumers in the digital age is copyright protection. Publishers and authors want to protect their Intellectual property and they should have the right to do so. Digital copies are a serious threat to the profits of publishers, and the livelihood of authors […]
ETEXTBOOK DREAM The glossy ads of e-reader device makers would have you believe that they will usher in a new era of reading. They claim their devices will revitalize newspapers, magazines, and textbooks by transforming them into multimedia formats of Potter-esque perfection. That vision may someday be realized, but only […]
An upcoming development in e-readers will be the battle for revenue from non-English content. Though Amazon has made large strides in English ebooks their international rollout of the Kindle has left them somewhat vulnerable on this front. A fully capable e-reader that allows UTF-8 and thus can display every language […]