An upcoming development in e-readers will be the battle for revenue from non-English content. Though Amazon has made large strides in English ebooks their international rollout of the Kindle has left them somewhat vulnerable on this front. A fully capable e-reader that allows UTF-8 and thus can display every language […]
Monthly Archives: February 2010
Jeff Bezos has said of the Kindle “The one thing you’ll notice about the Kindle is that it does disappear when you read it.” And on many levels, I think that is true. But I can think of four books that would benefit from utilizing the ebook format in a […]
Amazon’s Digital Text Platform (now KDP) and all those services that copy it will necessitate the rise of Cloud and crowd editing. Large publishers so deeply ensconced in their current business model will lose control of a lucrative share of their publishing business. They will demonize their customers, and […]
In the digital era of books, I’ve come to the conclusion I have to distinguish between books and the ideas they convey. The book as an object is important, but sometimes only the ideas books, magazines, and newspapers convey are important. I have a collection of first editions and books […]
Okay, let’s first get a few things clear. Copyright has completely altered our relationship to books and we have Sonny Bono and Mickey Mouse to blame for that. Bono sponsored an extension of Copyright to protect Walt Disney’s characters. It seems Disney is a little sensitive about their beloved characters […]
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” John 1:1. Our story begins with the Word but where it takes us is not yet clear to me. Along the way, we will look at the use and status of the written […]